Monday, December 3, 2007

I was at King's Cross Station at 8 AM only to discover that a round trip ticket to York would be 185 pounds. If I waited until 9:30 it would be 75 pounds. My book said it was 9.50 each way so I was not expecting that news. I was told that if I had booked it three weeks in advance it would have been much less. Well, I just couldn't justify that kind of money. So I will go to York on another trip to the UK. A little disappointing, but I got over it. :)

I looked in the WH Smith bookstore at the train station and then walked around Islington for much of the morning, looking in stores, making some small purchases. I talked to this old tailor for quite a while, while looking at the scarves he sold in the shop that he has had for 36 years. We talked about retirement. He doesn't know what he would do if he retired (and I'm sure he was eligible about 15 years ago!)--he works seven days a week. He thinks people are very lazy nowadays and rude to boot. Not like the old days.

I then went to the British Museum to try to get down to their basement rooms but they were closed again. I talked to some guards who said they would be closed until February. A little disappointing, but I got over it. Took some final photos of the Great Court.

I then went to the Portrait Gallery to see the Photographic Portrait Prize 2007 exhibition. This annual exhibition presents sixty photographs by amateurs, professionals, and photojournalists whose works were selected from 7,000 entries in an open competition. It was quite good and definitely worth a visit (and the price was right, too--only one pound).

I stopped at the Gloucester Road Waitrose for some supplements to the dinner I had planned, because I thought Debbie was coming over, but then she had to cancel at the last minute. I don't know how we're going to eat all the food we have accumulated. I wonder if the landlords, who arrive two days after we leave, like oatmeal and rice and tea?

Man, I've done a number on my feet and joints this trip. I wonder if orthotics and glucosamine are in order. . . .

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